
Four Reasons You Need Workers Compensation Insurance If You Employ Apprentices In Australia

If you are a small business owner in Australia and you employ apprentices, it is important that you understand why workers compensation Insurance is so important.  In fact, if you have an apprentice working for your business and they are injured while on the job, it will be your responsibility to pay any medical bills that they incur as well as any lost wages. If you are not insured with workers comp Insurance, it means that you would be responsible for these costs yourself and this could have a severe impact on your finances.

Is Your Business Properly Protected?

When you manage a business, there are many issues that you must balance. You will have to think about the day-to-day issues, such as interactions between your employees and your customers. You must also consider how your staff members engage with each other. You will want to ensure that all necessary work is getting done and that everyone is happy. As well as these everyday issues, you must also think about the administrative side of the business.

What You Need to Know About Errors and Omissions Business Insurance

If your business provides professional services to individuals or other companies, errors and omissions insurance protects you from financial loss if a client sues you. What Does Errors and Omissions Insurance Cover? An errors and omissions business insurance policy, often called professional liability or malpractice insurance, protects you as an individual and as a business if a client sues you for failure to provide an agreed-upon service. Even if your company did provide the service, the client might still file a lawsuit if he or she feels dissatisfied with the work.